PLEDGE: Suzanne Forni 
ATTENDANCE: 21 of 29 members
ADG Karen Fitzpatrick, Middletown;  PDG Pete Lazier, Middletown;  Ellen Quimby, Vice President, Pine Bush Chamber of Commerce (prospective member) 

July 19th -- Today!  Wiffle for Kids committee meeting, 8:45am following Rotary meeting
August 6th -- Blood Drive, Wallkill Living Center.  Times to be confirmed. 
August 24th -- Region 5 Meeting, Liberty.  6pm.  More details to follow! 
Lauren asked for a moment of silence for Bill Myers, an active community volunteer and fellow Rotarian, who passed away last week.
Thank you to Don Lawrence for hosting our meeting last week at this office and for providing coffee.  Also, thank you to Bill Bassett for setting up the ORMC tour and for bringing breakfast sandwiches.
The 1st Annual Taste of Monroe, hosted by the Monroe-Woodbury Rotary, is this weekend- Sunday, July 24th from 1-4pm at Museum Village.  Tickets are $25.  Contact Gail Dejmal at 781-3563 for more information. 
Carl did a special edition of Inside the Rotarian Studio with three members, Suzanne Forni, Don Lawrence, and Bob Miller.
50/50: Karen Fitzpatrick  (Donated back to Wiffle for Kids)
4-Way Test: Karen Fitzpatrick 
See you Tuesday!